Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Let's get cracking!

I’ve been a fan of buying, making and drinking beer for a while now and decided to take on a new challenge in 2016. You may be familiar with the book – 300 beers to try before you die – which is a great read for any beer lover. The book sets out a list of 300 must try beers, and this coming year (2016), I’m going to try and acquire and sample as many of them as possible.

Now 300 beers is a fair few, and throughout the year I’ll continue to make my own delicious home brews so it’s unlikely I’ll be able to hit all of 300 in one year. However, I’m going to set out on the journey and see how far I get! Even if I never reach all 300, it sure will be fun trying!
This blog is intended to track my progress on this journey, share my thoughts on the quality of the beers themselves, and just generally point out anything of interest along the way. I’ve no doubt some of the beers will be hard to come by, so I’ll try to share my success stories as well as the inevitable frustrations!

 If you want to join me in the challenge, please feel free to comment and tell me how you’re getting on. You can find the list in the book, of course, and no doubt some of the darker corners of the web also!

After deciding to take this on over Christmas, I’ve had a hunt through my rather sizeable stash in the garage and found six of the 300 already in stock! Hurrah! This will get me started, and many of the beers are also readily available from the supermarkets. Once those have been ticked off however, I suspect I’ll have to get a little more creative about where I find them. If you have any suggestions or tips, please pass them on!

 I look forward to sharing this challenge with you, so check back regularly for updates. I don’t drink every day, I hasten to add, but I’ll try to post frequently and fill in the gaps with my highs and lows of home brewing, pub crawling and other such shenanigans!